Friday, January 23, 2009

4 thought provoking questions

* Are you breathing?
* Are you meditating to calm your mind and cleanse it of negativity?
* To what extent are your thoughts fear-based or judgmental and making you suffer?
* What would your life be like if you stopped judging everything/everyone and accepted everything the way it is, yourself included?


Aaron Friday said...

Joe, these are really damn good questions.

Carl Sipes said...

I like them...and I think I need time to think about them.

Joe Sarti said...

LOL! Yes, thought provoking indeed! If you all come up with some good stuff and want to share post them here or send me an email :-)

Be, Gents

Aaron Friday said...

OK Joe, I have a response.

"What would your life be like if you stopped judging everything/everyone and accepted everything the way it is, yourself included?"

Static Answer: It would be serene.

Real Answer: It would be serene most of the time, interrupted occasionally with gut-busting hilarity, tear-jerking compassion, genuine love, deep hatred, and a basic fear of frailty and death.

Joe Sarti said...

I see the Zen in your response Aaron, minus the deep hatred and fear of frailty and death ;-). Nice though my friend, thank you for your contributions and more important sharing your response!

Aaron Friday said...

Hatred and fear are pure zen. Attachment to hatred and fear are not.