Monday, February 18, 2013

Double strength day

Warming up today, feeling really good. So I decide that the 5x5 was going to be replaced with a ladder. Aggressive approach but since I will miss my second workout due to boards, I said f..k it. Note for inspiration I have photos of Vasiliev, Rudnev, and Rachinskiy all whom can jerks 32kgs for reps, plus Captian Kirk Karwoski which sums up everything when at stones! Surround yourself with the best!

2 KB military press ladder

And looking at the video you can tell it took everything I had. The prior set of 7 was hard but I picked it so I played it and finished strong! Closing in on double beasts!

2kb squats

Nothing special, just staying strong and working toward the double 32kg pistol.


Shoot I was pooped from the presses but this is the highest single rep set on the cycle. Therefore I am pleased. 20 will come soon enough and then workouts where 100 total is the goal.

You have to be patient and love the journey to accomplish in life. I do not have an end point or day in mind, just training and improving each day, each workout

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