Monday, March 20, 2006

Vinyasa Yoga, Friday and Monday (today)

Ok, so I have been figuring out how to balance workouts with my schedule and what exercises I want to focus on. I am enjoying the strength and conditioning aspect and may keep to my original plan with a supplement for deadlift of heavy 2 hand swing. I want to add in some Deck Squats, TGU, Windmills as I really enjoy these exercises for there unique aspects.

So, in the meantime I have been working the Yoga angle. I would like to do this twice a week. I appreciate the meditative aspects and the challenges it brings me. I like the breathing and posture combination and seeing my improvements

Moving forward I plan on doing 4 days of KB's and bodyweight strength & conditioning combined with 2 days of Yoga.

The key is progression and further mastery of the elements which I choose, as well as balance!

The mastery concept is huge and a valuable tool I learned from my coach Mark as well as the progression concept! I really like the TSC program he and I came up with!

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