Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Sustainability...this is the last on an original article I wrote called the 12 commandments of health and wellness. This came after the fact and thus is the 13th Commandment. I was reminded by my friend Franz about this concept so I am reposting....

This is the 13th Commandment or at least one of them. As I contemplated the other commandments and through an interaction I had with one of the great inspirational minds of our or any time I felt that this principle was integral to long-term success. All too often we operate in extremes, going through ups and downs, highs and lows, peaks and valleys. And as necessary as this is in some cases, this variability tends to have a hazardous effect on our health and well-being.

When we start, begin, change, transform, learn and/or add something to our lives we must evaluate how it fits into the grand scheme of things and how it will serve. In this process it is critical in my feeling that we ask if this will be sustainable. We need to identify if what we are doing, how we are acting, and the way we are thinking are sustainable.

After all, I ask if you really want to continually start or try something all the time? I am against experimentation, not at all and in fact this part of the experience and part of the process of identification. However, I do feel it is important when you are going to take on a new ‘experiment’ that you have an idea of the reasoning and you go through the ‘scientific method’.

Again, the purpose behind life is to find a health and happy medium, a place where you feel balance and thus stable. Acquiring more for the sake of your ego does not truly serve you or others for that matter and in many ways makes keeping it all line that much more challenging. This will require more time, more energy, more effort and probably more stress.

Working to keep up an image, a lifestyle, an idea that drains you and distracts you seems to be more harmful and good. How much is enough? Take time to think and look at what is happening around you

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