Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Heart Rate

WOW! Got the heart soaring today! High Intensity training, reduced volume. Great workout, great push and humbling

Clean and Push-Press (2 kb)
24/13x1 (1 minute)
24/12x1 (1 minute)
24/12x1 (45seconds...getting tired)
24/10x2 (45 seconds...yikes, this is tough)

So, the point was to do 1 minute work with 1 minute rest and that is exactly what I did, expect I failed on sets 3-5 to achieve 1minute of work so got an extra 15 seconds rest...needed Heart Rate was 180 +

Weighted Pull-ups

Forearms, Biceps, Shoulders fried from Clean and Push-Press but felt strong. Plan to do the 3 P workout tomorrow (pull-ups , pistols, and push-ups)...all body weight

1 Arm Swings
32/20/20 (1 minute)
32/19/19 (1 minute)
32/15/15 (45 seconds)

Ok, the heart flew on these....hovered around 204 for sets 2 and 3...only allowed 1 minute rest between sets but these were tough. Recovered well from set 1 and 2 but took me time to recover from the full workout! Overall this was a heart rate kicker and I loved the intensity. It is very difficult to keep the intensity up with the higher weight and higher heart rate...something has to give and today it was volume. But, the conditioning is coming along strong and my ability to recover and push again is improving. I am looking forward to increasing my work capacity and strength.

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Wow Joe- were those1 minute rounds on the push press. Exhausting!!!!

Keep up the training - very inspiring!