Friday, December 19, 2008

The Art of Living

Life is a constant state of evolution! I am always evolving to some point, place, etc. So, for the New Year I have decided to embark on another venture. I am beginning to study the Art of Aikido. It just happens that 2 amazing teachers are here in my backyard and now is the time for me to take this step.

As I continue to delve deeper in the study of Yoga, the movements and philosophies; kettlebells and the lines of energy, the physics, angles (geometry), positioning, integration of muscles, joints, etc all into action; powerlifting movements and the progression schemes, matrix plans, positioning, techniques, etc. I find that this Martial Art of Aikido, which has been present in my life since I was 20, is an art that will take my understanding of movement, space, stillness, philosophies of peace, relationships with people, objects, use of energy and its flow to a whole new level.

Ok, probably sounds confusing that last paragraph so let me help. As I study all these movements and theories behind them I am seeing, feeling, some amazing cohesion amongst all them and I believe Aikido with my base level understanding is a perfect fit to enhance both my well-being and my art of teaching and understanding of movement and philosophy.

Movement has many parts and I see it on varying levels. As I mentioned the concepts of math, physics, geometry come into play as does the philosophies of life and relationship and the use of energy and lines of energy, its flow along the meridians, etc.

I teach life, philosophy, etc. through the use of movement and stillness and in the art of each of this disciplines and beyond. LEarning and experience arts with so much history like Yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, etc. take into account so much depth of knowledge and have withstood the test of time. ( I know Aikido is about a 100 years old but is basis is ancient).

I have truly become a student of the art of living and all these practices, experiences help me to be a better coach/teacher to others.

This journey of life I am living is a exploration where I am constantly evolving through the process of discovery. I do this by being in motion yet in stillness and learning to blend the 2 while allowing each to stand alone. This art is exactly that an art form unique unto its own but with honor and respect of the masters before who have laid the foundation for such wonderous and courious exploration of the art of living.

Enjoy Your Artwork

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