Friday, July 28, 2006

unexpected workout and some revelations

So, planned on doing Snatches today but will wait till tomorrow.

A buddy and I hooked up randomly today and he wanted to do some sled work and sandbags. So we went at for only 20 minutes or so but intense.

100+ yard pulls x2

I do not what I hit on the grass but there were at least a couple occassions both ways where the grass bascially stopped me in my tracks and I had to dig hard. the legs were burning (especially the hammies)

I supersetted with
Sandbag deck squats 5 reps x 1 ( at this point I realized I was a little tired from the

Set 2
Overhead TGU with the Sandbag 4 reps

This is a humbling exercise but one where you can feel the strength necessary to keep the bell pressed up, shoulders stable, core tense, and legs driving deep off the floor....what a fantastic exercise. I was pleased.

Set 3
Overhead Deck Squat

I made 1 out of 5 reps clean. the others I missed, actually standing, yet stumbling on 2. Still the first time I have EVER achieved an overhead deck squat and to do it with an odd load, tired and a substantial weight I am really pleased. this is one of the hardest exercises I have ever done.

Also, attempted and completed 1 pistol, with the sandbag on my right leg. WOW, holy smokes is this rough. I am really pleased with my strength

I realize, and at the same time am not surprised by this that there is a huge carryover in strength with the Kettlebell in general. Much of this is due to the concepts and principles that lie behind what "strength" truly is and then there is the kettlebell what the heck effect. Scientifically this may be hard to argue, that the KB does indeed have a what the heck effect but if you were to ask me, and I believe I have decent knowledge and strength I am a believer.

Only if I practiced the same routine for a long period. I do the same exercises but with varying loads, set, reps, time, rest, and methods. I am making progress and truly beginning to understand what true strength and conditioning is.


Ken Black said...

Nice work Joe. What weight did you have on the sled? How much was the sandbag?

Joe Sarti said...

I think it is 80 to 100 #s, but not too sure. I have to weigh it.

Thanks KB

Nice to get a PR