Monday, September 25, 2006

Run & Stretch

Today did my dynamics, ladder, run drills with Carl

A variety of dynamic warm-up drills
Ladder drills (these are becoming better, the more I practice the skill and technique the more I improve. We are focusing on the basics and this is working. I am also moving faster in the drills.)

100 meter 2x1 (Falling start)
100 meter backward striders 2x1
100 meter 2x1 (track start)

These were very good. Focused on breathing and technique, specifically the stuff from the dynamics

Followed this up with 1 hour of Vinyasa
again focused on my space and place with my breath. felt good and did not push the boundaries just enough to break the comfort zone and feel the move and how I relate to it.

Deadlifts and more tomorrow

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