Saturday, February 09, 2013


There is just something about the KB Snatch. I love the power, speed, athleticism and strength plus its great for conditioning. Whether it be the 16kg all the way to the 48kg beast, I always feel amazing post workout and looking forward to the next one. Today was unique, we had no Rif and its not the same.

24/7/7 x13

The bell was cold and that combined with the chalk and the hands heating up creates friction in the hand. So my hands were a bit unhappy today which always f's with my groove a bit. No tears or anything just a bit rough. Safe to say I have to build the base level callous back up, keep the hands healthy with regular filing and shaving excess skin.

Not exactly sure what next week holds, but with Rif off again we may go up to the 28kg and do some heavier work, which I will welcome and am excited about. If not on this day I am considering adding a heavy day post boards.

Clubbell Shield Cast
25/10/10 x1
35/10/10 x1
45/5/5 x2

I love the club bells. The are beastly, making you feel like an old warrior handling a heavy sword, aka Braveheart, haha. There is a noticeable difference between the 35 and 45 on this exercise but I am happy that I am getting more comfy with the move and the weight.

Plank Walkout on Rings
5 reps x 3 sets

Getting stronger. I can feel from the rib cage to the lower abdomen working extremely intense in this move. Much better this week staying linked, no stress on the low back, just pure core. Was able to work in static holds and maintain the tension and linkage. Very happy with this move. Eventually I want to get to full front lever static holds.


Mark Reifkind said...

no video? and yes I'll be gone next weekend unfortunately. good time for you to go heavier. wish I could:)

Joe Sarti said...

No video, the boys were lazier :) video for next week for sure and no need to go heavier other than we can and should :)