Monday, August 14, 2006


Well my shoulder has been the subject of discomfort for the past few weeks. The hard day of get-up sit-up with the 32kg and no use of other arms/legs stressed my right shoulder. So I have been working through it but with this past weeks sister was married on Saturday....and all the obligations around it I had a few days to rest the shoulder and layoff the bells, pull-ups,etc.

So, today I was feeling the need to hold some weight in my hand and train.


These felt great. I did not do the traditional dwon swing, instead I brought the bell to shoulder which really helped minimize the stress. They were easy up and my shoulder was strong

Clean and PRess

This is a little more challenging than the snatch. Overall the bell moved easy and I felt no pain/discomfort. The key is tomorrow.

Hike 3 miles up some nice terrain!

I have to deadlift tomorrow and do pull-ups and Pistols.


Ken Black said...

Congrats to your sister Joe.
Glad the shoulder is coming along.

Mark Reifkind said...

congrats as well.

As to the shoulder, a reminder, methinks, from the universe, that you should focus your energy more specifically on your goals and less on peripheral stuff.

As you know, I have learned to listen to these "reminders". Not soon enough, true, but I have. Heal fast.

Joe Sarti said...

Thank you gents, across the board! ;-)

Franz Snideman said...

Heal that shoulder.

Congrats on your sister's marriage!

Are you next??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Joe Sarti said...
