Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rock Climbing

Today I spent time at Planet granite indoor rock climbing gym. This gym has a wide array of excellent walls and climbs. I met up with my friend Toby, his wife and a large group of their friends.

So, after climbing in the real world I have much less fear of the indoor climbing. Now, this is not too say I am cured of my fear but I have a healthy understanding of the fear and respect.

The climbs
5.8 for start
5.9, two different climbs each which required different techniques/strengths.
5.10b: the first such climb for me. This one I unsuccessfully climbed twice. The second time due to fatigue in the forearms/grip and the first I stopped because there was a hold/challenging position I was unfamilar with so I went down to discuss solutions but just was to fatigued as I climbed back up.

I really did improve my technique and use of technique but I still have a tendancy to rely on my strength which really does help 'getting to the top'.

Always nice to spend time with good friends and get a strong workout in while having fun.

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