Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday at the gym

Not normal for me to go to a gym and workout but I did and enjoyed myself.

the warm-up consisted of a general play in the aerobics room, capoiera, handstands, the crow to a handstand (yoga style) and even did this move off a bosu, walking on the hands (just because I could not hold my but I am getting much better, joint mobility.

Then went to the gym floor


I have to start to build the strength with the additional weight. My body weight is about 172 and I plan to get to 165 and maintain at 8% which seems right on the money for me.

The combo of the warrior diet (really following at about 90%) my weight/bodyfat is dropping and my strength is climbing. This was the case before and I just know that this system works Excellent for my body.


Did them in a controlled pace and they felt great, love this move.

Bosu Deck Squats
45x1 (the last 20 I did 10/10 pistol style)

these are so cool and really target the core. I did not even feel the legs.

Yet another great day of movement and I truly feel that I took a step forward in regards to the TSC with the weighted pull-ups and did a great service to my shoulders working the handstands and a strong ab workout with Bosu Deck Squat.

Cannot wait till Monday!!!!


Mark Reifkind said...

good to see you training for something joe, well done.hang tough brother and you will be TSC National Champ!

Joe Sarti said...

thank you Brother, hope we can train together soon!!!

Ken Black said...

Joe that is some strong pulling. Set goals and achieve and then set some more. Thats the way to live:)

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah we got to get you on the platform for some dls/