Monday, June 24, 2013

Dynamic day

Feels so good being on a program. Mentally it is not as fun as play but truly far more rewarding.

Speed military press
28/3 x 10 R
28/3 x 10 L

30 sec to work and rest. Felt good today. Nice speed and good shove/line of path.

Pull-ups dead hang tactical
12kg/3 x 5
Bodyweight 3 x 6

Again 30 to work and rest and this was tough. Still working through right shoulder discomfort therefore affects strength some. Following the weighted with BW really helped the speed aspect. Good decision. 

Pistol speed work
28kg/2 x 5 R
28kg/2 x 5 L

Again on the 30, all Right then Left. This was done no box style. Felt strong and well worked. Got good depth and finished strong

52/2/2 PR

This is for 3 things and in no particular order.
1. Get stronger with the clean
2. Establish a stronger rack
3. Better my press

Right side struggled a bit with the 52kg just due to shoulder but strong otherwise

Started my morning with 45 minutes of yoga and finished my day with my wife and hydro therapy including steam, cold plunge and hot tub and more yoga.

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