Friday, April 20, 2007


Big swing day! Instead of the Snatch which I have done a four week esclating cycle with I decided to back off and do some serious strength and conditioning with the 1 arm swing against time

1 Arm Swing, 32kg (1 minute to work and rest).
Minute 1: 32/8/8 (25 sec work)

Rest 1 full minute + 20 seconds I had left over from the 12/12 set...getting hot so time to turn on the fan :-)


Total time 10 minutes and 29 seconds for 180 swings

The Good news is that my low back held its own. Yes, I did feel the fatigue but a light stretch and some heavy Jandas is all it took to eliminate. Next week I am back to the Snatch with the addition of the Swing workout. Also, lungs and conditioning were no issue as my conditioning is strong.


Just a nice warm-up and good stretch, strengthen, stabilization and posture move!

Janda Power Breathing Crunch

Nice exercise that really counters all the swing work well and will strengthen my abs for the Deadlifts.

Loving the work, as I have found much pleasure and enjoyment in learning the mastery, the art of the deep skill related to the movements. I am maturing for sure and so open as my glass is half full with and endless bottom. I realize that I have one of the top strength and conditioning coaches at my disposal, who wants to help me out and I would be foolish to let my ego prevent me from growing, evolving. Plus, I have a fabulous network of other amazing and talented minds at my disposal and I am so stoked to learn from them. As Frank said the other day it is all about the basics and mastering them, practice, practice, practice and practice some more. I have all the tools and resources to be the best! Gratitude!

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