Saturday, December 08, 2007

Pistols-Max Effort Day

My intention is to have this in my Friday workout which I have to get more established. I made a mistake last Friday with the plan change but I am settling into the new routine and my Friday will consist of Pistols, Presses (heavy), and Pull-ups (bodyweight).

In addition I am doing yoga 4 times a week and mixing in Clubbell workouts as well with a single 10lb clubbell. So, since I am a little out sync and I still not a 100% (yesterday just was not where I would want it to be but I did do my best and used my better judgement to do my pistol work today).

My plan was to do a Max Effort Day and here is the breakdown

48/1 Lt/rt fail........MAX effort set 1
48/1/1 Yes, I did a single effort both sides and I am pleased, very pleased.

Jerks (1 kb)
32/10/10x3 (total time of 8 minutes...not a focus just an observation). Heart Rate about 160

I like this move and wanted to do some work here today since I did not finish my workout on the presses yesterday. At this point it really does not fit the program design, however I believe that I can alternate week by week between the Press (heavy) and the Jerk.

Side Note
I remember reading or at least I believe I did that it is not possible to use the powerlifting concepts with the KB. I am not sure why these concept, priniciple based training systems cannot be used with the KB, such as Louie Simmons. I am not sure I am the best suited to answer this question at the deepest level. But, I would find it hard to argue that principles of training styles such as Louie's powerlifting cannot be used with the KB.

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