Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Run #2 and Yoga

Part of my pre-show ritual is to practice Yoga. The yoga helps me to relax my mind and center myself amongst all the other great benefits. So today I had a beautiful 45 minute practice followed by a nice Jacuzzi, a cold glass of water and so prep work.

YOGA: 45 minutes

After the show I went for run #2. This was a big deal since it had been around 12 days since I went out and run. My calf feels great and no side effects. I ran for another 30 minutes at Stanford using their big open grass fields.

RUN: 30 minutes
Location: Stanford
Temperature: Hot, hot, HOT!, thank goodness for the sprinklers :-)

2 strong movement practices today, body and mind feel relaxed, recovered and healed.

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