Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The RKC System a reflection and obeservation

Over the past few days I have been reading the RKC Level 2 manual that Rif had from this past Junes certification. One I was curous to what level 2 was like; two I wanted to learn new stuff and review old stuff; and three just plan and simple education and information to continue to bring the best to my clients.

I found the manual to have a wealth of information that was well thought out, well reasoned and definitely stuff I can and will implement with my clients. I must say I really appreciation the time and energy Pavel has put in building his RKC system, which is truly a system. The background information and research that has gone into the development of this system makes this a remarkable system for producing a number of exciting effects...for instance Kenneth Jay's research on VO2 performance wit the KB Snatch in my opinion is groundbreaking. I as a masters student in 2003 wanted to do a kettlebell study but it was difficult to get the support necessary and truth be told I did not have the experience or knowledge to do it justice such as Kenneth has in his study.

When you really look at the RKC system and the kettlebell as a whole I really respect the integrity of the system and the clear definition of what defines it as a system, its unique aspects and differences from other systems (primarily the GS, which in no way does Pavel show anything but respect for this system and its application eventhough it is quite different to the RKC version), and the explanation of why and the effects of the RKC system.

Some great points:
Hard style (RKC) chooses power over efficiency and chooses techniques proven to be most effective for max force applications.
Uses the concepts of maximal acceleration in quick lifts (sntach, swing, clean) and max tension in slow lifts (grinds like the press).
Tension = Force therefore getting stronger by contracting muscles harder (Trust me it works like magic that is how I pressed the beast and did my pistol with it as well)
Biomechanical breathing match (intraabdominal pressure is key to having a strong and stable spine while performing big moves).
Kinetic LInking
And: Strength is a Skill.

These are just some of the amazing aspects of the system and its effects on the body using the KB. A number of people have helped Pavel develop this system to its current level and continue to input on its development which in itselfs continues to evolve this system. I feel the RKC system is special and I am a proud supporter, user and promotor of this system because to me it makes sense and definitely for my clients. There are a number of wonderful people whom I have met through the RKC and who continue to expand my mind and capabilities.

Now go out and train! :-)

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