Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Gift of Life

Open your eyes, open your ears, open your arms, open your heart, open your mind, open yourself to life! Why, because life is truly a gift and it is the kind of gift that only comes once in a lifetime. Days, weeks, months, hours, seconds, years go by and before you know it....

My advice for today, for life is stop and put down what you are doing, those daily tasks for survival and take a moment, a really long moment to smell the roses life has given you. If you are reading this, your life cannot be that bad. Think about, you have a computer, access, money to pay for the service, time, etc. and this is more than most. But beyond all this we just never know what is truly around the corner and thus just live in status quo. Now, if this is your conscious choice well then who am I too tell you to do different.

I would say this though, tell your wife or your husband how much you love them, why you love them, how they make your life better; tell your mother and father how much you appreciate them for doing the best they could to raise you, thank them for being human and helping you become the person you are; tell your co-workers, partners, boss how much you appreciate working with them; tell your friends and family members that you appreciate their love and support; give your pet a little extra stroke and send them so love, throw them the ball; and tell yourself that you love yourself and you are going to be the best you can be each and everyday, give yourself so love and attention.

The point is do something more than you probably are already doing, not because you do not already do this, but because you look to show your gratitude for life and the people that make it what it is. Have you ever wished you could have said something to someone and before you know the time passed, the thought and moment passed and you never did say what you wanted.

Life is precious, the people in your life are precious, and there truly is very little in that is guarenteed and life happens in flash! Slow down, take time, give thanks, show love and appreciation, you and everyone around will be better for it.


Todd Gilchrist said...

Last week was a little hectic for me given all the 'tasks' I had at hand. Last night I was thinking about how it is all too easy to sweat the small stuff; and it is all small stuff. Reading this is a great way to start my week.

Thanks for the reminder bro!

Joe Sarti said...

Your welcome brother T. Man, life is really what we make of it. As you say, it is easy to sweat the small stuff but you and I know that the small stuff is always there and if you spend time and energy creating that stress, life is going to be a lot tougher than need be and who knows what other repercussions will come about.

Take a deep breathe and relax is my motto. Have a beautiful day my friend